As 2022 comes to a close here in about twenty minutes, i got to thinking about the past year. And what a year it has been. Last year at this time, i was just ending the corporate sponsored holiday break. Preparing myself mentally to return to a job my heart wasnt into anymore, and a career in cooking i thought was soon to be over. I don't remember the weather, probably cold. Going though the motions. Same old thing. Who knew the wheels would be set in motion 3 months later. Today, it was 81 and we were in the pool...on New Years Eve. Gone is the holiday break, but thats ok. Sunshine, palm trees and warm weather are the new norm. Im having an absolute blast with what im doing. I love my job and cooking again. Im just having fun. What a difference a year makes. With that, I say so long to 22. A very good ending to a very good year. Heres to old and new friends and family. Thank you for all the love and support. I love you all! And where would i be...